Nothing like waking up in a tent that's dripping with humidity....It was slightly warm when we were shaved and showered by 8 AM the following morning. Our misssion was Dealy Plaza. We parked at the Reunion Arena, where the Mavericks play.

We walked thru Union Station to the South Floor of the infamous Book Depository. The audio tour was $6 and it covered everything from Kennedy's Campaign through most of the conspiracy theories. Since JFK's involvement with the Bay of Pigs failed, he held a grudge against the CIA. They were to train the local army's to help the Cubans overthrow Fidel Castro. It didn't work, much to JFK's embarrassment. So after the Cuban missile crisis, people thought JFK was soft on communism. So when he came to Texas, there were a lot of locals who wanted answers.

At 12:30 PM on 11/22/63, Mrs. Connally (the Governor's wife) said, "The people of Dallas sure love you". Coincidentally, Kennedy said "If anyone wanted to shoot the president, all they would need is a tall building and a telescopic rifle." So, was Lee Harvey all alone?

We talked with a theorist who was convinced that two out of the three shots Harvey fired missed. And the lethal shot was fired from the grassy knoll we've all seen in the Zapruder film.

We needed a break from conspiracy theories and drove to Texas Stadium in Irving where the Cowboys play, God's team. The open roof allows God to see his team play while keeping the fans free from the elements!

Now it was time to head to Arlington - the game only started in 3 hours!

6-17-92: Along with 32,000 other fans, we got to witness Bobby Witt (7-5) host the Red Sox Gardiner (3-6). At game time, it was 98 degrees outside. Sem was parched! Arlington Stadium reminded us a little bit of Oakland. It was very symmetrical - 330 ft. down each line. Instead of symbols along the OF wall for each of the teams within the division, they had flags, in no particular order. We're hoping the Juan Gonzalez goes deep for us tonight, so to speak.

Without Ruben Sierra or Julio Franco (like Straw and Davis in L.A.), we witnessed a game. In the bottom of the first we lived through a power failure. All the lights in town went out. This delayed the game for 20 minutes. In the bottom of the 5th, during a 1-1 game, Raffy hit a two run homer to right field to break the game open.

Unbelievably, there was no 7th inning stretch. As prophesized earlier, Gonzalez hit a solo shot in the 8th inning - his 17th of the season - JUAN GONE! to put the Rangers up 4-1. The temp at the end of the game was 89 degrees. At home, the M's won their 5th in a row, their longest streak of the season....Nice

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